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Chairman's Message

I feel delighted to observe the steady growth and development of Raja Balwant Singh Management Technical Campus (RBSMTC) which is one of the seven educational institutions running under the umbrella of Balwant Educational Society.

In a span of 22 years, RBSMTC has blossomed into a well-structured seat of learning and research in the areas of Management and Computer Application.

It is quite exhilarating that RBSMTC is an embodiment of my long-cherished dream of establishing a centre of excellence for providing world-class Management and Computer education to the students drawn from different sections of society.

The success of RBSMTC is not sheer luck but the hard work and dedication of Team-RBSMTC. This institute possesses an extremely dedicated team of faculty members which guide, mentor and counsel the students continuously and bring out the best from them.

I am sure that this journey of excellence would continue even at a faster pace in the coming years and I am quite confident that RBSMTC will carry on climbing the ladder of success

Wishing you all good luck and a very bright future ahead.

Raja Anirudh Pal Singh

(Chairman, Governing Council)

Copyright 2021-2022 By Raja Balwant Singh Management Technical Campus | Developed & Maintain by:- Department of Computer Application.