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Director's Message

It is my proud privilege to communicate with you as the Director of this prestigious institute which has a strong legacy of imparting quality Management and Computer education and that too with intense academic inputs, rigorous industrial training and extensive institute industry interface.

Since last 22 years, we, at RBSMTC, have been transforming the young minds into the successful managers, entrepreneurs and computer professionals in an effective manner. Moreover, to provide an ambience to the students for learning, innovation, creativity and research has been the top priority of the institute during last so many years. With all modern amenities, the institute also boasts of possessing very sound intellectual capital.

The high acceptability of our passed out students by the industry is the result of the rigorous training and development process and the consistent efforts of our in-house placement cell headed by an experienced placement officer. The gainful positions held by the alumni of the institute are testimonials of the same.

We are thankful to the students, parents and organizations for having faith in our ability to develop world class management and computer professionals. We assure you all that the institute would continue to remain tuned to the latest requirements of the industry in the future ahead.

Finally, I would like to convey to my beloved young, energetic and creative students that—

We can do the things that you can not.

You can do the things that we can not.

But together we can do great things.

Together we can, together we will.

Prof. (Dr.) A.N. Singh


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